Often times it happens that our computer problems arise . Sometimes we have choice , but sometimes lack the data base and we do not find a solution if the problem is simple .
On our site we will sçarojmë a host of problems , but this time the problem will sçarojmë " The site 's security certificate has expired " . This basic problem , but insoluble when it is not known why it occurs.
So first clarify that this problem exists in your Web browser and Google usually some other site . The problem occurs after that time , or since your date is wrong , then it comes to the time, date or year of your computer .
To rid this problem all you have to do is double click on the hours if you're using Windows XP , and then set the time, date or year , any that you are wrong and the problem will go away. Even in the other system have the same procedure just changed it so these data and regulated by the area where you are you .
So simply ! The problem will disappear .
Thanks for attention ... For everything contact us or simply ask questions and get answers .
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